Sunday, October 28, 2007

Plenty of sites hosting the MP3's

And as predicted, there are many many other websites out there that either just started, or are continuing to host the rmog mp3's. The popularity of the real men of genius, now called, real american hero's mp3's continues to this day but, I don't see AB going after the other sites...
Why is it that those sites continue to offer the bud lite audio tracks unimpeded by Anheuser Bush lawyer, Miller, Scott D (Legal) []? Sure, most of them have some sort of disclaimer saying that they are not related to AB, but so did whipnet... Granted, whipnet was kicking butt in the search engines, maintaining a #1 listing in the 3 big search engines but, AB wasn't even running much of a campaign for the same terms.
Could it have been that they were making a little green from advertising...? Doubtful because the sites that are running the mp3's now have advertising...
So, what the hell was it that made AB go after them and a few other sites, when so many more are doing the same thing?

AB, you suck! In fact, all of your so-called beer products suck-ass! So either get of your damn high horse and let all of the 'free advertising' flow or send your cheezy damn letter to all of the sites that are hosting files "...containing unauthorized audio files of many Anheuser-Busch radio advertisements that are part of our long-running and successful Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" campaign."

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